Building Safety Act - navigating the new regulatory regime
The CCLG is delighted to announce that we will be holding a FREE webinar on the 31st July, 1230 to 1330, on the Building Safety Act.
The Building Safety Act makes ground-breaking reforms to give residents and homeowners more rights, powers, and protections – so buildings and homes across the country are safer. It overhauls existing regulations, creating lasting change and makes clear how buildings should be constructed, maintained, and made safe. It is the biggest regulatory change in our generation, and one that effects the entire construction industry.
Join Hydrock’s Fire Safety Divisional Director, Kevin McKeown and Director, Adam Eaton, as they talk about the history of the Act, lessons learned from interactions with the Building Safety Regulator throughout Gateway 1, and what to expect from Gateways 2 and 3 to ensure a smooth transition into the new regulatory regime.
The event will be chaired and managed by the CCLG.
Please open the link below to register ASAP, as places will be limited, and feel free to forward to your industry colleagues as appropriate: